Flag football is rapidly growing in popularity and will only sky rocket with the addition to the upcoming arrival in the 2028 Olympics. Aside from the already popular exhibitions of 7 on 7 flag style of play in Elite 11 and college workouts, it is very popular amongst the YouTube and social media influencers. The excitement of the high pressure play with a smaller field and only skill positions make it an easy game to fall in love with. If you have reservations of it being "flag" football instead of tackle, just come watch or try a couple sessions. You will be amazed how much skill it takes when you remove the safety nets of having a line and more plays and time to plan an attack. Flag done right will only enhance your skills much further for quarter backs, running backs, receivers, line backs, corner backs and safety's.

2024 YSL Affiliated Flag Seasons

3v3 Summer Blitz
June 2024
Seacoast Area League
Competition Level: moderate
Season: 6/24 to 8/12
Games: Monday nights
Practices: Sunday nights
Team placement is
5/19 4:30-6pm
5/22 6-7:30pm
6/4 6-7:30pm
Practices & tryouts will be done at
the Berwick Rec fields
3 v 3 NFL Flag
10U & 12U YSL Teams
These are local seacoast area games
Each team will roster 5-7 players
Multiple teams
June 21st signup deadline
League Fee $178
Team Fee $50
* league fee's cover the signup for the player in the SYFFL league and the team fee's cover the season practice costs for field reservations, insurance and equipment not provided by SYFFL. You can sign up direct with SYFFL for the league fee only, but in order to request one of the YSL teams you will need to commit to the team fee as well. Additionally they will receive YSL training from a YSL qualified coach for the 8 week season.

Coming Soon​

Coming Soon​