Top Gun Basketball
What is Top Gun Basketball? Well, it is a challenge or competition of skills in different events. You can enter your child into the competition they chose or multiple to try and take as many badges and prizes as they can, but there can only be one Top Gun! Different divisions are set up by age groups to make things fair. Players beware! You can't play down from your age group, but younger gunners can play up to show off their skills if they dare. Cash prizes, prizes, give aways and awards will be listed closer to the event date.

Events will include multiple age groups for the following:
- Hot Shot ( each baller gets 2 separate 1 minute rounds to complete as many shots from the designated hot spots with
different point values. We will take the highest score of the two attempts )
- 3 Point Shootout ( standard old fashioned 3 point contest with 5 ball racks, 5 money balls and 1 minute to do damage!)
- Free Throw Streak ( you get 3 attempts to get as many free throws in a row that you can, shoot till you miss )
- Leap Frog ( you start from the same spot with 3 flags and one up each other's distance, you miss you lose a flag until one
player is left! It's like "H.O.R.S.E." in a straight line. )
- High Jump ( this will be a measured vertical jump. You get three attempts to register your highest score. )
- After its all done the Top Gun! title will be awarded to the player who enters all 4 events and has the highest overall placement.