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Dwarf Nigerian Goats

Nigerian Dwarf goats are known for their even tempers and gentle, playful personalities. Due to this, they have made a name for themselves as a great family pet. They are easily trainable and wonderful with children, making them attractive to youth or first-timers participating in 4-H or FFA clubs. Their personalities also make them perfect service animals for nursing homes and hospitals.

They are hardy animals that thrive in almost any climate and due to their size, require less space to graze and play than full-size dairy goats. They are also very adaptable, able to live comfortably with other livestock such as cattle, horses, llamas, and donkeys. These goats may be small in size but they require lots of room to play and explore. Their living areas need to include “toys” such as tree stumps, rocks, and other large climbing structures that they can entertain themselves with.

Babies Coming Soon.....

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