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The true Ameraucana is an APA recognized breed of chicken developed in the United States. The Ameraucana is often confused with other chicken breeds, especially the Araucana and Easter Egger chickens (sometimes labeled Americanas). While similar, these three are separate breeds, and only two are recognized by the American Poultry Association and lay blue eggs instead of green tinted. True Ameraucanas are rare. Ameraucanas have muffs and beards, slate colored legs, and lay various shades of blue eggs. A healthy hen should lay 160 – 210 eggs per year and achieve a weight of between 4 – 6lbs and a rooster should achieve a weight of between 7 -9 lbs on average. 


*Just an interesting bit of science; There has been a definite relationship established between the “Pea Comb” gene and the “Blue Egg” gene. Both these genes have been shown to be carried on the same chromosome, and are thus closely related! In 'most' cases a bird that has a pea comb will lay a blue or blue based egg*

Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Hatching Eggs 12ct

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